A Simple Guide to Loss Prevention Technologies

A Simple Guide to Loss Prevention Technologies

Understanding Inventory Shrinkage Inventory shrinkage refers to the discrepancy between a retail store’s recorded inventory and the actual inventory. This can occur due to a variety of factors including theft, administrative errors, or vendor fraud. The impact...
ThinkLP Ranks No. 44 On Canadian Business Growth List

ThinkLP Ranks No. 44 On Canadian Business Growth List

Canadian Business unveils annual list of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies Waterloo, ON – October 15, 2020 Canadian Business today ranked ThinkLP No. 44 on the 32nd annual Growth List, the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. Produced by Canada’s...
Join The Fight

Join The Fight

Tackling ORC with Technology By Tony Sheppard, LPC The year is 1994 and a spry new store detective follows “DeFazio” out the door onto Michigan Avenue. “DeFazio” has just stolen an entire rack of winter jackets and is headed to a waiting car. That spry store detective...